Now that I'd decided I wanted to blog about music, the next step was to pick what song would feature here first. I love too many songs.
I decided, that with all the festivities and the partying, it's best to begin the January post with a happy song. And the first song that came into my head was none other than Dancing Queen, by the Swedish pop group Abba.
My friend Nimsy first gave me this song, and I did not really pay attention to it back then. By some very good fortune, I convinced myself to watch Mamma Mia (yes, Meryl Streep is gorgeous!) and lo! The song appeared before me as though magic. I suppose I was a little low myself when I was watching the movie, but oh man! Did the song cheer me up! *I'm all smiles again!*
It's been a favourite ever since. :)
Dancing Queen was probably one of the most popular songs of the 70s. It featured on the higher postitions of music charts of over 20 countries, a wide reach for a song made back then! Since then it has been performed by various artists and used in various soundtracks. I know my aunt still has the song as her ringtone!
While looking for more details about this song, I discovered that the demo of this song was called "Boogaloo"! I also found out, that the music video of this song was a tribute to the movie The Breakfast Club (another favourite - I recommend you watch it ASAP if you haven't! Relate to your teenage self again.). That only adds to the beauty of the song for me.
Now, let's come to my perception of this song.
The tune is light and catchy. It's easy for me to sing along, or hum it to myself. It flows easily. The rhythm is perfect for me to tap my feet to, as I slowly cheer up. The best part is, the song has been sung by them so beautifully!
The lyrics are what make the song so special. It begins with belief, moves on to optimism, then takes a lightly teasing note. That's the right recipe for a good song like this and the lyrics are just the best.
I love it, when they sing - 'You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only 17!' or 'You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life'. I believe in it myself, when they sing it with so much convection. :)
The song made a thorough impact on me, and I hope this song continues to make me feel beautiful and special!
An era, an idea, a song. With love for oneself, and a simple message - beauty is truly found within us, exuding out of it, this song will remain a favourite for many, including me.
I do not know, if a pop group like Abba, or a song like this can ever be created again. But wherever they are, I'd like to thank them for this song. They must know, that their songs can brighten up days of millions of people across the world!
You can view the song here :
Stay Happy! :)
It IS my callertune now. :D
Since Jan started! :)
What could be a more befitting tribute to ABBA (my favorite band)than such a well written review . Yes an amazing song indeed.
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