Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Exam time = creativity time!
Yes, you read that correct. I'm going absolutely crazy! Can you believe my sixth semester at my wonderful college is about to end? No? Neither can I. (Now please don't say it was to happen someday. I want to wonder. :P )

So here I am, with a prelim paper tomorrow, dying to write about something. What should I write about?

If you get a headache at any point, stop reading. If it doesn't go away in 2 minutes, don't read further.

How difficult is it to choose something to write about? We talk so much, about so many things. We have opinions, comments and judgements even, about many things we've never even personally dealt with. Is that correct? Or is it all right to talk about something you're really not sure of, just because no one of consequence may get to hear of it?

I talk a lot, and my opinions may come across as pretty strong too. But is that correct? Should I be talking about it? Why do we have opinions about the government, the police, the film industry, politics, business.. when most of us have never been there? How easy is it for us to judge somebody, by merely looking at them, based on what we hear about them?

Forget the big names. Should I be judging the people around me? They do many things I don't approve of, as well. But I know them. I can see what they do. Can I give my opinion now? Should I though? Not everything I have to say is positive. Won't that harm my relationship with them?

Here I am, talking to much, lost in my thoughts, unable to cohesively say what exactly I think *I* should do. I'm sure such things happen to anybody who thinks, no offence to the others.
But have you ever thought of people as people? Surely everybody has an excuse for their behavior. But again, how many of these excuses are justified?
There are surely so many people out there, who've gone through personal crisis that I can't even begin to imagine, that I don't know of. Is my behaviour to them justified? Can they use it as an excuse for something that they do wrong?

I can go on and on, but I'm getting a headache typing it out. :p

So today, I'm officially a gone-case. :p
Just some random thoughts I wanted to get out. I don't want to disturb anybody who's studying, with my rantings, so just thought of putting it up here.
To all those who have exams - All the best!
To those who don't - I'm envious. Do something good with the time you have.


Tim said...

Without exams brain is as dull as the ditch-water, but when exams come, we are pushed into this hyper creativity mode which would never stop ( So stop envying those without exams :P )

Incessant Confuzzlement said...

And exams also bring the best in you. :D
The best music.. Food..
Sound sleep..

PS: post more often, will you?