I was thinking today (surprise, suprise!), and I have decided to put up one of my struggles here, for different perspectives and to see if I'm the only one.
I don't know, if one should be honest all the time, if one should do what will give them the highest benefit, or if they should just plain lie and confuse everybody. Honestly, I could do any of these, under certain circumstances; as would anybody.
My situation is specific to this :
Most people who know me, know that I have gone from being a snail, staying in my shell to a star fish, bright and vibrant. Some things may have happened naturally, some I took upon myself to improve. But I still cannot do this one thing.
I cannot walk upto somebody and tell them that they hurt me. I can apologise when I know I'm wrong, I can give honest advices or opinions. I can even tell them how they've hurt somebody else. But, I cannot look at someone in the eye and tell them, 'This is what you did, it hurt my feelings'.
This troubles me a little, because I keep thinking over it, I keep hurting over it, and I cannot let it out.
Sure, I can call up a third person and say that '.. .. .. bothers me, and I felt hurt.' But even this is not of much help, since I believe only something personal can hurt me, and the matter should remain between us.
I don't know if I can change, I try, but it's not easy. So here is my question to you :
Can you do this easily? How do you go about it? What goes through your head when you tell somebody something like this?
u know i can :D
Its pretty much hard to tell a person that S/he hurt you. ( You think too much sis. ) Well the easiest way is to make the person feel it, ( Well obviously it does come out, like through your actions and deeds, that is if the person who hurt you has enough brains, S/he would atleast get a hint about it. ) And the confrontation part becomes easier, with the person coming forward and asking about the trouble, instead of you going up and telling it to that person. ( Well never worked for me, 'coz I can't recall a situation where I actually needed to do something like that ). Smile :)
And on a second thought, just try it once. Just try telling the person that he/she hurt you. There has to be a first time always, If it doesn't go well, well chuck it, otherwise, Eureka, you have found something interesting.
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