Friday, 30 December 2011

The Change

For anybody who still wishes to read my blog, I apologise for not posting earlier. 7th semester and absence of close people in life led me to be a very sad person. But I'm gonna take a positive step and try to improve there. :)

Hence, my 'New Year Resolution' this time, is not to lose weight (which I need to as of now, but who cares!) or get a makeover or quit a bad habit (that ones is also because I don't have any :P ). This time, I'm gonna make a positive change in my blog.

The world has a lot of things to do. Nobody really has the time to hear somebody go on and on. My blog has become so stagnant, I can't believe I let myself do that! I thought for a while, what should I be blogging about? For months and months this question troubled me.

Then, the silliness of my predicament jumped out of the box. The title 'musicaldews' is something I gave myself, because I believe that music is an inseparable part of my soul and I love it!!

Therefore, I will use this space as a music blog!

As often as I can, a particular song that has stayed with me, or I've recently fallen in love with, will be reviewed. I'll try my best to get all the information I can about it, point out what I feel is special or different or anything at all, and put it up here. If there's anybody who'll enjoy it at all, it would be a pleasure to continue doing so. :)

Thus, springs and autumns and all the other seasons, will come alive here through music over various languages, and hopefully be an enjoyable experience. It may also include little anecdotes and anything else, that I may feel like sharing!

Now, while I think about the songs I'll be reviewing here, you enjoy a fabulous New Year's eve.

Thank you so much, for taking the time to read this. Have a happy and successful New Year ahead.

Lots of love! <3