Saturday, 27 November 2010

Aise Hi. :)

I was going through a friend's blog the other day, when, suddenly, I remembered I had a blog of my own. So, since then, I was itching to update it and here I am!

I'm currently on a study leave (We all know how well that's going. :D). Since I don't frequent college, I haven't really been in touch with my college friends (and of course, they are studying. :P ).
In the meanwhile, I've got back in touch with a couple of old friends and 'networked' with new ones. I realised somethings at this point.
We all are, ultimately, human. People have their sad and happy moments. I guess, they are all looking for somebody who will listen and respond to their emotions with respect and affection. I can safely say I have experienced the Yin and the Yang. It gives me an amazing feeling when I think of how many people there are, who genuinely love and care for each other. I can say that is the best thing about Human civilization.

But oh, I drift away!

My point is, at times, there are little things that somebody can say or do for you, that it could make your day instantaneously. That is the beauty of friendship, virtual or real. :)

It could be a 'Hey, you look cool today!' or a 'Hey, cool dp!'. A real hug is replaced by a virtual smiley. Sarcasm has more to do with the ':P' than the straight poker face.

Though nothing can really compete with a friendly smile or a warm hug of a friend, to the mind, sometimes the gesture is enough. :)

Friday, 26 November 2010


I hear the gentle splashing of the water,
A sound that soothes the ear.

I see the blue reflected in the water,
Its beauty so crystalline and clear.

I smell the water, how peculiar that is,
A smell nowhere but here.

I fell the little droplets, splash on my skin.
Each little diamond, sparkling like a tear.

I taste the water which I bend down to drink,
Which spreads in me, an inexplicable cheer!

With a calm mind I sit here,
My five senses heightened.
Something good may be on the way...
But oh! Do I trust the sixth one?

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Entertainment is now a pain.

As an average person, who doesnt have a lot of access to extra-curricular reading and doing engineering, the advance in science and technology should have proved to be a boon in order to overcome the excessive boredom. but honestly for me, other than the progress in music technology (\m/), the other stuff is pretty much what I'd go for if I cant find something to strangle myself with.

The television. What an invention...! Originally, the idea of an object like that had good purposes : spread awareness, educate and help in communication. Today, I'm proud to say, it has achieved its objectives. I am completely aware of what goes on in Rakhee Sawant's life. I am educated daily about moral values by the television shows which show women getting abused in unimaginable ways. Of course, communication takes place with channels that show teleshopping (24x7!) where I can see really fake people speak utter rubbish and con me. The inventors of the television must have got transferred from heaven to hell for the same deed. Poor chaps.

The Internet. The world has become a global village, and truly, the population behaves like its rural counterpart. The internet is a fantastic source of communication and its indeed our fortune that we have it. But things have gone too far for the younger generation. Instead of running out on the streets and well, being kids, they spend their time following 'celebrities' (PC and the bollywood herd), raising fake farms on their windows and having a mafia like setup. All this is done virtually, but honestly, getting 6000 points in farmville will NOT stop a kid from failing his math exam (or any other for that matter).

By my personal opinion, these are the two most common forms of entertainment and they are seeping out our energy, and our brains. So step outside your house people, go plant some real trees, meet some real people, dont loose out on your own family and remember, real people can be fun too!

Friday, 22 January 2010

I miss the music I used to hear!

I recently saw my youtube account again, and finally felt inspired to blog about something.
In the 90s, there was a nice music genre called 'Indipop' that became really popular. This is the equivalent of non-filmy songs, or pop albums in late 90s and early 2000s. To this day, the best music on my ipod belongs to this category. Apart from the fact that the songs were lovely and meaningful (in most cases!!), most of them had some beautiful videos to go with it. Thanks youtube for making me get most of what I wanted!

The most popular artists of back then would be Alisha Chinai, Asha Bhosale,(*hearts*) Silk Route(*sighs*), Adnan Sami, Anamika, Falguni Pathak(oh! oh! oh!), Band of Boys, Bombay Vikings (omg!!), Euphoria(wow!!), Lucky Alil(love him!!), Shweta Shetty, Suneeta Rao, Shaan, Shiamak Davar, Strings, Ustad Sultan Khan, AR Rahman.......

Then there was the remix era with DJ Aqueel, DJ Suketu and Bally Sagoo along with others who refreshed and brought the youngsters the precious old music such that they would love and understand it and relate to it only the way that generation could!

Where have they gone? When did they disappear? I mostly keep listening to the same music if I'm listening to Hindi. I dont even know if I have any recent music on my playlist! I am, at the very least, thankful to all the artists of then to have made such nice music. People like me, who grew up watching the sweet videos and listening to the melodies will always cherish them, and I hope that soon you guys will be back to with all that your fans wanna hear!

My favorite songs, videos and more analysis on Indipop will follow soon. Be there to go through them :)